Download: MolSpin v2.2

Release date: Sept. 24th 2024
Downloads: 25 total / 3 unique users

Download of the MolSpin v2.2.

Please see the user manual for more information and installation instructions.

Requires at least version 8.5 of Armadillo.


- Introduction of Nakajima-Zwanzig equation (not in the manual yet), works similar to BRW just using "NakajimaZwanzig" instead of "Redfield" in task class
- Introduction of several phenomenological spin relaxation operators
- Introduction of Pulse class for fine-tuned magnetic resonance experiments

(if you want to use these new additions and I haven't put it in the manual yet, please write me an email.)

-MC-SSE method:
- Changes in output format
- Inclusion of oscillating single spin interactions as described in the manual (for RF studies)
- Faster algorithm for MKL library
- Some minor bug fixes and format changes

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